Less is used to generate CSS style sheets from Tiki13 to Tiki18 (Bootstrap 3.x). This page explains how to compile Less files that have been edited to regenerate the related CSS files. For more information on how less has been implemented in Tiki and how to create a Less-compiled theme, search for less at themes.tiki.org.

 Use the Less compiler bundled with Tiki
Note that it is important to use the Less compiler that is included with Tiki. This will avoid conflicts and unnecessary changes to css files that can arise with developers using different compilers which use different syntax conventions.

 As of Tiki19, SCSS precompiling is used instead of Less
With Tiki 19, Bootstrap 3 has been updated to Bootstrap 4, which uses SCSS precompiling rather than Less:

If you use PhpStorm:

This page explains how to compile less files through Tiki, first manually and second automatically through PhpStorm.

Manually compile less files

A Less compiler comes bundled with Tiki and here are step by step instructions on how to run it:

  1. After editing the Less file, open the command line in the Tiki root directory
  2. Run the compiler by typing php console.php less:compile plus desired options and hitting enter. Below are some examples:
    1. php console.php less:compile --all
    2. php console.php less:compile --only base_files
    3. php console.php less:compile --only darkly

To see all the options available, type php console.php less:compile --help and hit enter.

Use PhpStorm to automatically compile Less files

PhpStorm can be used to automatically carry out the manual steps above once the Less file is edited or saved.

Use File Watchers

PhpStorm uses "file watchers" that watch directories for changes to Less files and compile the changed files to CSS. A Less plugin is available at http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin?pr=&pluginId=7059. Initially, the PhpStorm installation doesn't have the Less watcher 'program' specified on the file watcher configuration screen. The file lessc.cmd needs to be downloaded with npm. More information is at https://github.com/marcelklehr/nodist/ and http://lesscss.org/usage/.

To activate the Less file watcher, go in the PhpStorm menu to the File > Settings > Tools > File Watches item (Settings is Preferences on the Mac). Then click the plus sign, "+", and click "Less". Some parameters can be set for this File Watcher by clicking the edit icon (the pencil). This can all be set per project.

File Watcher Settings (using php console.php)

Below is a screenshot showing the settings to use for the Less file watcher. These settings will run the less compiler that is included with Tiki.

Some comments on the settings as shown in the above screenshot:

  • Program : Use the path to the PHP executable file used for your server
  • Track only root files: This should be checked otherwise extraneous css files may be created. A separate css file is not needed for less files that are imported into another less file. Checking this box ensures that only the ultimate less file generates a css.
  • Auto-save edited files to trigger the watcher : This is unchecked in the screenshot so that regeneration only occurs upon save. If checked, the css will be regenerated as you type in changes.
  • Show console and Output filters : The settings for these two options in the screenshot are simply the default settings in PhpStorm. They can be changed according to your preference, they will not affect the compilation of the Less files.

Alternative File Watcher Settings (using less integrated with composer)

Once you've run the composer command less program will be available directly.
(In my case MAMP is set to use php from the package itself and the path is not the one state above) .
Below is a screenshot showing the settings to use for the Less file watcher with lessc. They may be a better way running the less compiler that is included with Tiki.

Once set and on your first run you may see an error -255. Just restart Phpstorm and it should go away.

Less With PhpStorm
Some comments on the settings as shown in the above screenshot:

  • Program : From within your tiki use the path to the lessc installed in your vendor_bundled folder: /mytiki/vendor_bundled/vendor/oyejorge/less.php/bin/lessc
  • Arguments: --no-color $FileName$
  • Output path to refresh: $FileParentDir$/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
  • Track only root files: This should be checked otherwise extraneous css files may be created. A separate css file is not needed for less files that are imported into another less file. Checking this box ensures that only the ultimate less file generates a css.
  • Auto-save edited files to trigger the watcher : This is unchecked in the screenshot so that regeneration only occurs upon save. If checked, the css will be regenerated as you type in changes.
  • Show console and Output filters : The settings for these two options in the screenshot are simply the default settings in PhpStorm. They can be changed according to your preference, they will not affect the compilation of the Less files.

Prior screenshots and instructions


Initial info
