Installer 4.0

To do

  • Set password with option to leave like now at admin/admin and force change at first login (useful for system deployers)


  • Will non MySQL DBs remain? If not, need to be pulled out done
  • Should SSL question remain there? It is in admin panels and since it's done at this late stage, it's not adding security.

Some notes concerning installer branches/3.0 as of 2009-04-13

  • tiki-install.php step 7: on upgrade, should keep values
  • If this form is not working for you, you can proceed to a <a target="_blank" href="" class="link">manual installation{/tr}</a>. done
  • send mail to the address of your choice Done (This should be in admin panel too, no?)
  • Find a better text for Step 6 of the Installer The "Security" information is misleading, not understandable and frightening for newbies. htaccess bit: help tip about renaming of _htaccess to use Short URLs , not just security done
  • use Strasa.css
  • Installer: use language picked in the installer, as the default language. done
  • test all links (to release notes, etc.)
  • can upload files? (limit)
  • tmp test in installer?
  • open base dir?
  • 3633 Requêtes SQL. -> add note that secdb is added as well
  • db/lock -> should explain in the file what this does (instead of empty file)

Live in 3.0

Now live, in 3.0

Rick needs help with:

  • Getting the switch_lang module to work
  • Testing in MultiTiki environments
  • How to update the tiki_preferenes table when setting the general preferences as part of the install?

Install process

From tiki-devel list suggestions (Feb 2009)

  1. Choose language & welcome page (& version note somewhere)
    • Need to check the release, for example if user is attempting to install an older version.
    • For upgrades, should default to the site's Default Language.
    • Rick's issues:
      • I cannot get the lang_switch module to work.
      • Is there a "standard" naming convention for the release notes? (So the link could be generated automatically)
  2. Display/read/accept the license.txt
  3. Basic system requirements test
    Should be optional? When performing an upgrade users should be able to skip this step.
    Rick's issues:
    • I was able to add a mail test.
    • How to test for TMP directory?
    • How to make this optional... at this point how does Tiki know if this is an upgrade?
    1. File permissions set right (via or manually*)
    2. php version, memory, GD, uploads etc
    3. mail connectivity
    4. openbase restrictions (what is this Rick? seems to be a different type of SQL database that isn't in Tiki)
  4. Set database connection (securely if possible)
  5. Select install profile (or upgrade script)
    1. Review SQL errors (if any)
  6. Common general settings
    On upgrades,this information should be pre-populated. And allow users to skip this step.
    1. Site name
    2. Sender email
    3. SMTP settings (?)
    4. Browser title
    5. Site language
    6. Theme
    7. Select security (enter https/http details)
      • Like all other general settings, this should be after a successful installation.
  7. Setting _htaccess if appropriate
    • Installer now says: "To secure your TikiWiki installation - and if you are using Apache web server - you should rename the _htaccess file to .htaccess (this file is in the main directory)."
      • If I don't do this, I am in insecure? It should say, to further improve..
      • htaccess is also for sort URLs. This should be indicated
  8. Collect feedback
    • Invite to join the tw.o community (link to registration)
    • Where to go next: link to docs
    • Where to go for help: irc, forums, etc.
  9. — Empty all caches, especially on upgrade — done at the last step. (but not rebuild of search index)
    1. Should force a logout after install? Otherwise, if you proceed though the install, already logged in as admin, you don't see the changes right away.

  • *Only require dirs to be web write-able if that feature is used? Especially useful if no shell access.

Comments about installing

  • trunk does not work on the latest SuSE 11.1 - the stock PHP does not have the mbstring feature compiled in: might be worth seeing what this is used for (there's only 2 places in the entire code that use it), and making it optional for PHP builds that don't have it
  • WYSIWYG also doesn't work on SuSE 11.1 - not sure why yet.
  • Idea - if something like "wget" or "curl" etc is installed on the host, it would be possible for a shell script or initial CGI page to "grab" one or more test web pages from the fresh install, and would thus be able to self-test some bits which are (or aren't) working.
  • above ideas and attached file from: cnd
