{tr}Tiki installer{/tr} v{$tiki_version_name} {tr}Help{/tr}

{if $install_step eq '0' or !$install_step} {* start of installation *}

{tr}Welcome to TikiWiki{/tr}

{tr}Welcome to the TikiWiki installation and upgrade script.{/tr} {tr}Use this script to install a new TikiWiki database or upgrade your existing database to release{/tr} {$tiki_version_name}.

For the latest information about this release, please visit http://www.tikiwiki.org/{$tiki_version_name}.

For more information, please visit http://www.tikiwiki.org.

{* not working?

{tr}Select your installation language{/tr}.

{include file="modules/mod-switch_lang.tpl"} *}
{elseif $install_step eq '1'}

{tr}Read the License{/tr}

{tr}TikiWiki is software distributed under the LGPL license{/tr}. {tr}Please read the following license agreement{/tr}.

{tr}By clicking "Continue" you agree to the terms of this license{/tr}.

{elseif $install_step eq '2'}

{tr}Review the System Requirements{/tr}

{tr}Before installing TikiWiki, review the documentation and confirm that your system meets the minimum requirements{/tr}.

This installer will perform some basic checks automatically.

Memory Check

{tr}TikiWiki requires at least 32MB of PHP memory for script execution. If you decide to change the memory limit, use the memory_limit key in your php.ini file (for example: memory_limit = 32M) and restart your webserver{/tr}.

{tr}Allocating too little memory will cause TikiWiki to display blank pages{/tr}.

{if $php_memory_limit <= 0}

{tr}Success{/tr} {tr}Tiki has not detected your PHP memory_limit. This probably means you have no set limit (all is well){/tr}.

{elseif $php_memory_limit <= 32 * 1024 * 1024}

alert {tr}Tiki has detected your PHP memory limit at{/tr}: {$php_memory_limit|kbsize:true:0}


{tr}Tiki has detected your PHP memory_limit at{/tr}: {$php_memory_limit|kbsize:true:0}.



{* how to test?

Directory TMP Check



Mail Check

TikiWiki uses the PHP mail function to send notifications and messages. {if $mail_test eq 'y'}

{tr}Success{/tr} {tr}Tiki was able to send a test message to info@tikiwiki.org.{/tr}.


alert {tr}Tiki was not able to send a test message{/tr}. {tr}Review the mail settings in your php.ini configuration file{/tr}



Image Processing

TikiWiki uses the GD library to process images for the Image Gallery and CAPTCHA support. {if $gd_test eq 'y'}

{tr}Success{/tr} {tr}Tiki detected{/tr} {$gd_info}..


alert {tr}Tiki was not able to detect the GD libary{/tr}.



{elseif $install_step eq '3' or ($dbcon eq 'n' or $resetdb eq 'y')} {* we do not have a valid db connection or db reset is requested *}

{tr}Set Database Connection{/tr}

{tr}TikiWiki requires an active database connection{/tr}. {tr}You must create the database and user before completing this page{/tr}.

alert {tr}Tiki cannot find a database connection{/tr}. {tr}This is normal for a new installation{/tr}.

{if $tikifeedback}
{section name=n loop=$tikifeedback}
{tr}Error{/tr} {$tikifeedback[n].mes}
{/section} {/if}

{tr}Please enter your database connection information{/tr}:

{if $multi}{/if} {if $lang}{/if}
{tr}Database type{/tr}:
{tr}Select the type of database to use with Tiki.{/tr}

{tr}Only databases supported by your PHP installation are listed here. If your database is not in the list, try to install the appropriate PHP extension.{/tr}

{tr}Enter the hostname or IP for your database. Use localhost if the database is running on the same machine as Tiki{/tr}.

{tr}For SQLite, enter the path and filename to your database file{/tr}.

{tr}Database name{/tr}:
{tr}Enter the name of the database that Tiki will use.{/tr} {tr}The database must already exist. You can create the database using mysqladmin, PHPMyAdmin, cPanel, or ask your hosting provider. Normally Tiki tables won't conflict with other product names{/tr}.

{tr}For Oracle{/tr}:

  • {tr}Enter your TNS Name here and leave Host empty{/tr}.
  • {tr}Override tnsnames.ora and put your SID here and enter your hostname:port in the Host field{/tr}.

{tr}Database User{/tr}:
{tr}Enter the database user with administrator permission for the Database{/tr}.
{tr}Enter the password for the database user{/tr}.


{elseif $install_step eq '4'}

{tr}Installation{/tr} {if $tikidb_created}& {tr}Upgrade{/tr} {/if}{tr}Profiles{/tr}

{if $dbdone eq 'n'} {if $logged eq 'y'} {* we are logged if no admin account is found or if the admin user is logged in*}
{if $multi}{/if} {if $lang}{/if}
{if $tikidb_created} {else} {/if}


{if $tikidb_created}

warning {tr}Warning{/tr}: {tr}This will destroy your current database{/tr}.


{tr}Create a new database (clean install) with profile{/tr}:

{tr}See the documentation for descriptions of the available profiles{/tr}.

{if $tikidb_created}


{else} {* we are not logged then no admin account found and user not logged*}

alert {tr}This site has an admin account configured{/tr}.

{tr}Please login with your admin password to continue{/tr}.

{if $multi}{/if} {if $lang}{/if}

{/if} {/if} {elseif $install_step eq '5' or ($dbdone ne 'n')}

{tr}Review the{/tr} {if isset($smarty.post.update)}{tr}Upgrade{/tr}{else}{tr}Installation{/tr}{/if}

{if isset($smarty.post.update)}{tr}Upgrade{/tr}{else}{tr}Installation{/tr}{/if} {tr}complete{/tr}.

{tr}Your database has been configured and Tikiwiki is ready to run!{/tr} {if isset($smarty.post.scratch)} {tr}If this is your first install, your admin password is admin.{/tr} {/if} {tr}You can now log in into Tikiwiki as user admin and start configuring the application.{/tr}

{tr}Success{/tr} {if isset($smarty.post.update)}{tr}Upgrade{/tr}{else}{tr}Installation{/tr}{/if} {tr}operations executed successfully{/tr}: {$installer->success|@count} {tr}SQL queries{/tr}.

{if $installer->failures|@count > 0}

{tr}Failed{/tr} {tr}Operations failed{/tr}: {$installer->failures|@count} {tr}SQL queries{/tr}. {tr}Display details{/tr}.


{tr}Go back and run another install/upgrade script{/tr}

{if isset($htaccess_error)}

{tr}Note{/tr} {tr}Security{/tr}

{tr}To secure your TikiWiki installation - and if you are using Apache web server - you should rename the _htaccess file to .htaccess (this file is in the main directory){/tr}.




{elseif $install_step eq '6'}

{tr}General Settings{/tr}

{tr}Complete these fields to configure common, general settings for your site{/tr}. {tr}The information you enter here can be changed later{/tr}.

{tr}This will appear in the browser title bar{/tr}.

{tr}Email sent by your site will use this address{/tr}.

{tr}This is the email address for your administrator account{/tr}.


{elseif $install_step eq '7'}

{tr}Enter Your Tiki{/tr}

{tr}The installation is complete{/tr}!{tr}Your database has been configured and Tikiwiki is ready to run.{/tr}

{tr}TikiWiki is an opensource project, you can join the community and help develop Tiki.{/tr}

{if isset($smarty.post.scratch)} {tr}If this is your first install, your admin password is admin.{/tr} {/if} {tr}You can now log in into Tikiwiki as user admin and start configuring the application.{/tr}

{if isset($smarty.post.scratch)}

{tr}Note{/tr} {tr}Installation{/tr}

{tr}If this is a first time installation, go to tiki-admin.php after login to start configuring your new Tiki installation{/tr}. {/if} {if isset($smarty.post.update)}

{tr}Note{/tr} {tr}Upgrade{/tr}

{tr}If this is an upgrade, clean the Tiki caches manually (the templates_c directory) or by using the Admin > System option from the Admin menu.{/tr} {/if} {/if}
{if $virt}

{tr}MultiTiki Setup{/tr} {tr}Help{/tr}

{foreach key=k item=i from=$virt}
{if $i eq 'y'}DB OK{else}No DB{/if} {if $k eq $multi} {$k} {else} {$k} {/if}
Adding a new host:
{tr}To add a new virtual host run the setup.sh with the domain name of the new host as a last parameter{/tr}. {if $multi}

({tr}MultiTiki{/tr}) {$multi|default:"default"}



  1. {if $install_step eq '0'}{else}{/if}{tr}Welcome{/tr}{if $install_step eq '0'}{else}{/if}
  2. {if $install_step eq '1'}{else}{/if}{tr}License{/tr}{if $install_step eq '1'}{else}{/if}
  3. {if $install_step eq '2'}{elseif $install_step ge '3' or $dbcon eq 'y'}{/if}{tr}System Requirements{/tr}{if $install_step eq '2'}{elseif $install_step ge '3' or $dbcon eq 'y'}{/if}
  4. {if $install_step eq '3'}{elseif $dbcon eq 'y'}{/if}{if $dbcon eq 'y'}{tr}Reset{/tr} {/if}{tr}Database Connection{/tr}{if $install_step eq '3'}{elseif $dbcon eq 'y'}{/if}
  5. {if $install_step eq '4'}{elseif $dbcon eq 'y' or isset($smarty.post.scratch) or isset($smarty.post.update)}{/if}{tr}Install{/tr}{if $tikidb_created}/{tr}Upgrade{/tr}{/if} {tr}Profile{/tr}{if $install_step eq '4'}{elseif ($dbcon eq 'y') or (isset($smarty.post.scratch)) or (isset($smarty.post.update))}{/if}
  6. {if $install_step eq '5'}{/if}{tr}Review{/tr} {if isset($smarty.post.update)}{tr}Upgrade{/tr}{else}{tr}Installation{/tr}{/if}{if $install_step eq '5'}{/if}
  7. {if $install_step eq '6'}{elseif $tikidb_is20}{/if}{tr}General Settings{/tr}{if $install_step eq '6'}{elseif $tikidb_is20}{/if}
  8. {if $install_step eq '7'}{elseif $tikidb_is20}{/if}{tr}Enter Tiki{/tr}{if $install_step eq '7'}{elseif $tikidb_is20}{/if}
