{* $Id: tiki-admin-include-wiki.tpl 16681 2009-02-11 03:28:46Z marclaporte $ *} {remarksbox type="tip" title="{tr}Tip{/tr}"}{tr}Use the "Quick Edit&qupt; module to easily create or edit wiki pages. Select{/tr} {tr}Admin > Modules{/tr} to add this (or other) modules.{/remarksbox}
{if $prefs.feature_tabs eq 'y'} {tabs}{strip} {tr}General Preferences{/tr}| {tr}Features{/tr}| {tr}Staging & Approval{/tr}| {tr}Page Listings{/tr} {/strip}{/tabs} {/if} {cycle name=content values="1,2,3,4,5" print=false advance=false reset=true} {if $prefs.feature_tabs neq 'y'} {tr}General Preferences{/tr}
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="General+Admin"}{/if}

{tr}Select the characters that can be used with Wiki link syntax: ((page name)){/tr}.
{tr}Wiki syntax{/tr}{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="Wiki+Syntax"}{/if}
{tr}Page display{/tr}

{tr}Enter a character to use as the delimiter when displaying page names. All characters after the delimiter will be stripped when displaying the page name.{/tr}

{tr}External links will be identified with{/tr}:  (external link).
{include file='wiki_authors_style.tpl' wiki_authors_style=$prefs.wiki_authors_style}

{tr}Buttons: Save, Preview, Cancel, ...{/tr}

{tr}When using the ...page... page break wiki syntax{/tr}.

{tr}Page description, icons, backlinks, ...{/tr}

{tr}Buttons: Edit, Source, Remove, ...{/tr}
{if $prefs.lib_spellcheck eq 'y'}{else}{tr}Not Installed{/tr}{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="Spellcheck"}{/if}
{tr}Requires a separate download{/tr}.
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="Content+Template"}{/if}

{tr}Requires AJAX{/tr} ({tr}experimental{/tr}).
{if $prefs.feature_categories ne 'y'}
{icon _id=information}{tr}Categories are disabled.{/tr} {tr}Enable now{/tr}.{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="regex+search+and+replace"}{/if}

{icon _id=information} {tr}May impact performance{/tr}.
{if $prefs.feature_tabs neq 'y'}
{/if} {if $prefs.feature_tabs neq 'y'} {tr}Features{/tr}
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="Comments"}{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="Attachments"}{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="Wiki-Syntax Imagesl"}{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="History"}{/if}

Use 0 for unlimited versions.
{if $prefs.feature_forums ne 'y'}
{icon _id=information}{tr}Forums are disabled.{/tr} {tr}Enable now{/tr}.{/if}
{if ($prefs.feature_forums eq 'y') and !$all_forums} {/if}
{if $prefs.feature_polls ne 'y'}
{icon _id=information}{tr}Polls are disabled.{/tr} {tr}Enable now{/tr}.{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="Backlinks"}{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="Structure"}{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="Slideshow"}{/if}
{tr}Wiki watch{/tr}{if $prefs.feature_help eq 'y'} {help url="Watch"}{/if} {if $prefs.feature_user_watches ne 'y'}
{icon _id=information} {tr}Feature disabled{/tr}. {tr}Enable now{/tr}.
{if $prefs.feature_tabs neq 'y'}
{/if} {if $prefs.feature_tabs neq 'y'} {tr}Staging & Approval{/tr}
{tr}Page name{/tr}
{if $prefs.feature_categories ne 'y'}
{icon _id=information}{tr}Categories are disabled.{/tr} {tr}Enable now{/tr}.{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_freetags ne 'y'}
{icon _id=information}{tr}Freetags are disabled.{/tr} {tr}Enable now{/tr}.{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_tabs neq 'y'}
{/if} {if $prefs.feature_tabs neq 'y'} {tr}Page Listings{/tr}
{tr}Select which items to display when listing pages{/tr}:
{tr}Name length:{/tr}
{tr}Edit Comments length:{/tr}
{if $prefs.feature_categories ne 'y'}
{icon _id=information}{tr}Categories are disabled.{/tr} {tr}Enable now{/tr}.{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_categories ne 'y'}
{icon _id=information}{tr}Categories are disabled.{/tr} {tr}Enable now{/tr}.{/if}
{if $prefs.feature_tabs neq 'y'}